The China Adventures of Arielle Gabriel
I stopped my daily swimming several weeks ago,
when the pools closed, and the ocean got too chilly for regular swims. Myself and my British doctor friend were the
last two swimming in the ocean in late December at Mui Wo.
When you become used to vigourous daily exercise, you feel
let down when it's absent. I do some yoga exercises, still my preference is for water always.
Time on my hands to think about how the past connects in Chinese
culture, with my present, and whatever plans I want for the future.
I know now I don't want to go on writing about
myself in China too much longer, or maintain this huge 1000 page website, or write about Cultural Gap issues.
I must accept that Joe will have to be apart from me on and
off possibly forever, as he must take care of his old mom and dad, as they have taken care of him, and he is a responsible
Chinese person to devote the next ten or fifteen or even twenty years of his life minding them.
This is reality: face it.
I am finishing the Feng Shui and Photo Gallery sections, then
onto writing about New Age health topics. And
so I walk alone, by the ocean that heals and gives us an unlimited vision of a larger world.
Lamma Island * Lantau Island * Cheung
Chau Island Hong
Kong * Mui Wo * Peng Chau Island Tung Chung * Shenzhen * Nanning * Hunan Province Bobcaygeon * Pointe Claire * Montreal Peterborough * Lake Sturgeon * Ontario Vancouver * Richmond * British Columbia
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The International Paper Doll Society
The China Adventures Of Arielle
Bobcaygeon, Mui Wo, Lantau, Tung
Chung Big Buddha, Arielle Gabriel, free paper dolls, Pui O, Chep Lap Kok, Tai O, Quan Yin5, Cheung Chau, Lamma, Peng Chau, Yung Shue Wan, Montreal, Vancouver, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China, caul,
veil, born with a caul