
The China Adventures of Arielle Gabriel

Hong Kong Diaries: August 8

We have a day of chores.
First, banking.
Second, cell phone re-connection, and my heart is both happy and sad to see the names flash onto the phone from eighteen months ago, when I fled China quickly.
Gordon, the golden tycoon, kindhearted and boyish, a brilliant Shenzhen lawyer.  Grace, the worldly and charming Hong Kong entrepreneur, with a warmth that attracted me immediately.  Daphne, the sober and gentle Shenzhen computer expert, only in her early twenties, and a business woman, mother, and wife. Hai Chau, with his mischievous, sensual laughter. 

Lamma Island * Lantau Island * Cheung Chau Island
Hong Kong * Mui Wo * Peng Chau Island
Tung Chung * Shenzhen * Nanning * Hunan Province
Bobcaygeon * Pointe Claire * Montreal
Peterborough * Lake Sturgeon * Ontario
Vancouver * Richmond * British Columbia

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The International Paper Doll Society

The China Adventures Of Arielle Gabriel

Bobcaygeon, Mui Wo, Lantau, Tung Chung
Big Buddha, Arielle Gabriel, free paper dolls, 
Pui O, Chep Lap Kok, Tai O, Quan Yin5,
Cheung Chau, Lamma, Peng Chau,
Yung Shue Wan, Montreal, Vancouver,
Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China,
caul, veil, born with a caul