The China Adventures of Arielle Gabriel
All things are produced by the Tao, and nourished by its outflowing
operation. They receive their forms according to the nature of each, and are completed according to the circumstances of their
condition. Therefore all things without exception honour the Tao, and exalt its outflowing operation.
honouring of the Tao and exalting of its operation is not the result of any ordination, but always a spontaneous tribute.
it is that the Tao produces (all things), nourishes them, brings them to their full growth, nurses them, completes them,
matures them, maintains them, and overspreads them.
It produces them and makes no claim to the possession of them;
it carries them through their processes and does not vaunt its ability in doing so; it brings them
to maturity and exercises no control over them;--this is called its mysterious operation.
Lamma Island * Lantau Island * Cheung
Chau Island Hong
Kong * Mui Wo * Peng Chau Island Tung Chung * Shenzhen * Nanning * Hunan Province Bobcaygeon * Pointe Claire * Montreal Peterborough * Lake Sturgeon * Ontario Vancouver * Richmond * British Columbia
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The International Paper Doll Society
The China Adventures Of Arielle
Bobcaygeon, Mui Wo, Lantau, Tung
Chung Big Buddha, Arielle Gabriel, free paper dolls, Pui O, Chep Lap Kok, Tai O, Quan Yin5, Cheung Chau, Lamma, Peng Chau, Yung Shue Wan, Montreal, Vancouver, Hong Kong, Shenzhen, China, caul,
veil, born with a caul